Terms and Conditions

Payment Schedule

We issue invoices via Xero, offering payment options through PayPal or bank transfer. Projects operate on either a full payment or a 70/30 payment split. The full handover package will be provided once the final payment is received.

Payment Options

Payments can be made through Stripe or Bank Transfer.

Reasonable Response Time

The total project timeline is estimated with a “reasonable” response time from the client for deliverables. The client is given two working days to respond to each round of work submission. Responses longer than two days will negatively affect the project timeline. The client may take more time to respond, but Apex Explainer Videos will not be responsible for project delays resulting from this.

Maximum Response Time

If Apex Explainer Videos do not receive a response or a reason for no feedback within 10 working days, the project will be ‘paused’ and removed from our production line. Two reminders will be sent during the 10 working days, followed by a pause notification once the limit is reached. Beyond this threshold, it is the client's responsibility to restart the project. Reactivation of the project may incur an additional fee of $200 USD.

Reactivation Fee

If a project has been paused for more than 10 working days, Apex Explainer Videos reserves the right to enforce a reactivation fee of $200 USD to cover any costs of re-starting the project.

Digital Rights

Once the project fee is paid in full, any elements such as sound effects, music, animation, script, voice over, trademarks, or other artwork provided by the client become the client's property. Prior to full payment, all intellectual property including designs, storyboards, scripts, animations, sound effects, voice overs, trademarks, or other artwork files remain the property of Apex Explainer Videos.

Digital Rights Exception – Stock Footage Videos

Due to licensing rules, Apex Explainer Videos cannot provide source files for any video containing stock footage. Clients are legally allowed to share their video worldwide, but Apex Explainer Videos must retain control of the source files.

Watermarked Video Material

Digital rights will be protected through a “DRAFT” watermark on all video content until the final payment is received.

Communication Methods

All communication between the client and Apex Explainer Videos will be through phone calls, email, or Skype.

Project Scope

Apex Explainer Videos has outlined the project scope in this document, including revisions, timeline, project stages, and specific deliverables. The client agrees to cooperate to keep the production within the proposed scope. Extra work requests can be made via email, and Apex Explainer Videos will reply with estimated costs and request approval of the additional work by email.

Video Length Extensions

Videos extending beyond the purchased length will incur additional charges at a pro rata rate per each additional second. Apex Explainer Videos will produce scripts to fit the purchased video length, but if the client wishes to extend the script, additional fees will apply.

Revisions + Refunds

Apex Explainer Videos offers two revisions at each stage for the Whiteboard and Explainer Video package. Additional revisions will incur fees: $150 for the voiceover, $150 for the storyboard, and $250 for animations.

For the Premium Package, unlimited revisions are offered at each stage, subject to reasonable use. If the client is being unreasonable with demands, Apex Explainer Videos reserves the right to terminate the contract with a full refund at any stage of production.

Once the animations have been approved by the client, no refunds will be provided. The animation stage is labor-intensive and expensive, and the storyboard approval implies client understanding of the final video outcome.

‘Back-Tracking’ Revisions

Changes to an approved stage later in a project will result in additional fees. Any changes to a previous stage will lead to repeated work, resulting in increased labor costs. These costs will be finalized with the client before proceeding.

Voice Over Terms

Apex Explainer Videos works with third-party contractors for voice-overs. Revisions for specific sentences and words are allowed, but full re-records due to indecisiveness over tonality will incur an additional fee. This fee will not be enforced if the voice-over noticeably differs from the audition.

Rush-Fee Terms

A rush-fee applies to custom projects with deadlines under 4 weeks from initial payment or template projects with deadlines under 2 weeks. This fee covers additional labor hours as we work through weekends to meet the timeline. Clients must be available for phone calls and able to provide feedback within 24 hours. Rush fees are 30% of the Video Package pricing (excluding additions made post-sale).

One Point of Contact

To simplify communication, please appoint one point of contact from your organization.

Portfolio Use

Apex Explainer Videos reserves the right to display your video in our portfolio and marketing materials. This helps showcase our previous work and provides your business with additional exposure.

Agreement by Payment

This agreement becomes effective only upon receipt of payment by Apex Explainer Videos.

Contract Expiration Date

If a client purchases a video(s) but does not proceed with the project for more than 365 days, the contract will expire. The client must pay the current pricing to continue. If the current price is the same as the original purchase amount, the client will only need to pay $350 to re-activate the project.

Last Updated July 2nd 2024

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